#Amber Trip 2016, Jewellery art contest ,,MY HOME”, Vilnius

Erik Gembey / Jewelry design studio in Contest presented Artworks.
Artworks author Erikas Gembickis – №58

Amber Trip 2016 (2016, 9-12 th of March )
art jewellery contest the theme – “My Home”

Sculpture ,,snail house,, Human homes, like a snail shell…

Also >>> From 5th to 18th of May work were exhibited in Magan Gallery, London, UK (http://www.magangallery.com/)

and from 1st of June till 16th of June they will be exhibited in Ramybės Gallery in Palanga, Lithuania (http://www.ramybesgalerija.lt/)

2016 03 9/12